I'm an editorial leader – a content strategist, researcher, writer, and professional speaker for executive audiences, with 30 years' experience reporting and commenting on tech-enabled business strategy, leadership, transformation, and change. As editor in chief of MIT Sloan Management Review, I will expand MIT SMR’s innovations and influence as a digital-first, integrated media brand connecting the world’s leaders with the trends, systems, and theories that power successful organizations.
Prior to joining MIT SMR, I ran Lundberg Media, which I founded in 2009 to provide insight into tech-enabled business strategy and transformation for C-level audiences. During that time, I led dozens of research projects for Harvard Business Review Analytic Services and other clients; contributed to research at the MIT Center for Information Systems Research (CISR) and the MIT Jameel World Education Lab (JWEL); and hosted hundreds of executive roundtables, webinars, and events.
Before starting Lundberg Media, I was editor in chief at CIO, leading editorial strategy and operations through a 13-year period of tremendous growth and change, including the demanding transition from print to online. I grew the publication to become both the leading source of trusted information for chief information officers and one of IDG's flagship media brands.
A leading expert on digital business, Abbie and her work are frequently cited in the media. Some recent examples…
Restructuring Seen as a Barrier to Digital Tech: Survey The Wall Street Journal
Microsoft Showcases Digital Transformation Customer Wins In IoT, Machine Learning And Azure Cloud Forbes
Digital disruption is coming but most businesses don't have a plan CIO.com
Who will win in the digital economy? Biz-tech analyst Abbie Lundberg offers a forecast Microsoft blog
Majority of Business Leaders See IT as Growth Driver: HBR Survey The Wall Street Journal
Using the Cloud to Transform Business Outcomes: Sooner is Better The evoLLLution
The Consumerization of IT: The Next Generation CIO PWC Center for Technology and Innovation
Talk to the suits: How to sell IT outside of IT Computerworld
Analizar Negocios con Visión Ecológica El FinancieroCR.com
The New, New CIO Role: Big Changes Ahead CIO.com
10 Communication Mistakes CIOs Still Make CIO.com
Forum on World Class IT audio interview on business agility, customer focus, building credibility and the future of the CIO role
What Does the Future Hold for IT? Harvard Business Review Online
“Lessons for CIOs on How to Be a Great Communicator IT BusinessEdge
Why the New Normal Could Kill IT CIO.com
Collaboration now tops list of cloud computing drivers CIO.com