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Blog Post

Back in the 1990s and into the early part of the 2000s, we ran an awards program at CIO magazine called the Enterprise Value Awards. This was a unique and truly outstanding awards program that scrutinized the work being done by CIOs and their business partners — and the results being delivered — through the use of information technology. Every nomination had to have a CIO and a business leader as joint sponsors. They had to prove claimed financial value by having the company's CFO sign off on the numbers. Every finalist received a site visit from an experienced reviewer who met in person with company leaders and users of the system to vet the claims being made. These review board members then presented their findings to a blue-ribbon panel of CIOs at a day-long meeting in Boston. The winners were recognized at an annual Enterprise Value Retreat.
Blog Post

I have been completely MIA from my blog the past year, but that will change soon. Starting in January I will start posting updates more or less weekly, with new articles for business and technology leaders; highlights from my research with HBR Analytic Services and MIT CISR, and observations from my travels speaking at conferences and hosting dinners and roundtable discussions with CIOs. Sign up to get notifications so you don't miss anything!